Fidelity Assessments: Part 2

The data nerds amongst us love the fact that data is the lifeblood of informed decision-making in an MTSS framework. In fact this can be a problem for some school leaders when they find themselves inundated with an abundance of data.

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Erin Chaparro
Fidelity Assessments: Part 1

There’s a family of assessments that are essential to the success of any MTSS framework. Most schools are already implementing universal screening, progress monitoring, and diagnostic assessments. But how does your MTSS include the fourth type of essential MTSS assessments - fidelity?

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Erin Chaparro
4 MTSS Teams Video

Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) can be overwhelming and complicated. Dr. Erin Chaparro, education author, researcher, and former school psychologist provides an overview of the essential teams, members, and purpose.

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Erin Chaparro
MTSS 101: Coaches

If you are a superintendent, principal, or education administrator in charge of setting up your MTSS framework it’s critical to make sure you have the role of coaches explicitly included.

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Erin Chaparro