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Tier 1 Data Teaming

Erin is interviewed about data teaming.

There are many aspects of our jobs that are more complicated because of the pandemic. In this video blog post I make the case that one thing that doesn’t have to be more complicated are data team meetings. Whether it’s a student study team, a grade level team, or even a staff meeting there are some basic principles that will seem like no-brainers but in fact they often get overlooked. Watch this discussion I had with the PBISapps team’s Megan Cave about data teaming.

Some themes you’ll hear me talk about include:

  • Stick to your schedule

  • Start on time, end on time

  • Make sure everyone knows the purpose of the meeting

  • Make sure everyone knows their role at the meeting

  • Build in time before the meeting of after the meeting to talk about everyday life

    Expert Instruction: The Teach by Design Podcast, Episode 2